Gas Prices Still Climbing - East Idaho News

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Gas Prices Still Climbing

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Getty 022414 GasStation?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1393285716954iStock/Thinkstock(WASHINGTON) — Gas prices are still moving up as many refineries are preparing to make more expensive summer fuel blends. The price at the pump on average jumped 6 cents in just the last week, from $3.38 to $3.44 a gallon across the U.S. Two weeks ago, the average price was about 14 cents lower.

Midwest and Rocky Mountain states saw the biggest price hikes. People living closer to refineries along the Gulf of Mexico are paying much less — about $3.20 gallon.

One Orlando driver said she’s having to find new ways to cope with the higher prices.

“How it’s affected me is I’m just eating out less. You know I just can’t afford to,” she said.

Others are resorting to carpooling more often to cut commuting costs.

“Find myself carpooling a little bit more if I can. You know what I mean? So if I have a friend going the same direction, I might have to ride with them or something,” said another driver in Orlando. “Gotta get to work every day. You know you’ve got to get to the places you need to go to.”

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