"Scandal" Stars Dish Season Secrets on "The Writers' Room" - East Idaho News
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“Scandal” Stars Dish Season Secrets on “The Writers’ Room”

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ABC 13114 ScandalCast?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1397121514060ABC/Craig Sjodin(NEW YORK) — Scandal fans know Scott Foley’s character, Jake Ballard, as the new head of secret spy agency B613. Still, on the season premiere of The Writer’s Room, Scandal’s creative team revealed that it had other plans for Jake’s character this season.

“Jake Ballard, played by Scott Foley, he ends up right now as the head of B613, this super-secret government organization, but for a while we were going to have him be a vice-presidential candidate,” Scandal executive producer Mark Wilding said. “So that was something that we went back and forth in the room and argued about.”

Creator Shonda Rhimes added, “We just couldn’t settle the argument. Yeah, it wasn’t until I saw both versions cut into the show that I decided.”

On the last episode of Scandal, Jake’s spy agency was shut down by Kerry Washington’s Olivia Pope. Still, it was probably the wrong time for Pope & Associates to shut down the agency as Olivia’s mother was planning to bomb Washington, D.C., and B613 was trying to prevent the explosion. 

Fans can find out what happens next when Scandal airs Thursday night at 10 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

The Writer’s Room, hosted by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Jim Rash, premieres April 18 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

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