IAEA, Iran Sign Joint Statement Setting 'Framework for Cooperation' - East Idaho News
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IAEA, Iran Sign Joint Statement Setting ‘Framework for Cooperation’

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Getty 111113 IAEAIranNuclearCooperation?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1384170869767ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images(TEHRAN, Iran) — The Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, signed a joint statement on Monday with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency agreeing to share information regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Both the international agency and Iran agreed on a course of action over the next three months that will work towards “ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme through the resolution of all outstanding issues that have not already been resolved by the IAEA.”

The IAEA, acknowledging Iran’s security concerns, agree to manage access to and protect confidential information. The measures agreed to outline a plan for the next three months, with the IAEA reporting to its Board of Governors regarding progress made.

According to the joint statement, Iran is expected to provide mutually agreed relevant information and managed access to the Gchine mine in Bandar Abbas and the Heavy Water Production Plant. The Islamic Republic will also provide information on all new research reactors and identify 16 sites designated for construction of nuclear plants.

The deal also calls for Iran to clarify a public announcement regarding new enrichment facilities and a separate announcement regarding laser enrichment technology.

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