Vegan Diets Best for Losing Weight - East Idaho News

Vegan Diets Best for Losing Weight

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getty 111114 vegandiet?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1415723328201Hemera/Thinkstock(COLUMBIA, S.C.) — A vegan diet is obviously not for everyone…except those serious about losing weight.

Eschewing animal products is at the core of the vegan diet, which even the most hard-core vegan says can be difficult to stick to at times.

However, researchers at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health contend that if people want to shed unwanted pounds, they might do well to try it.

In a study comparing people who ate vegan, vegetarian or strictly red meat and fish, those in the vegan program lost more weight than the other groups by an average of 4.3 percent, or 16.5 pounds.

One of the other pluses of the vegan diet is that it’s also high in carbs, which should lessen the worries of people who believe they shouldn’t be consuming pasta, rice or other grains.

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