Researchers Question Use of Mobile Devices, Interactive Media by Young Children - East Idaho News

Researchers Question Use of Mobile Devices, Interactive Media by Young Children

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Thinkstock 122914 ChildWithSmartPhone?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419906089537AntonioGuillem/iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Researchers warn that parents should be careful in how much they allow their infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children to use mobile devices and partake in interactive media.

Published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers say that while mobile devices and interactive media may hold some educational benefits, they can also distract from certain aspects of childrens’ development. Specifically, researchers name self-regulation, empathy and social and problem-solving skills as areas that could be obstructed by mobile device use.

The researchers called for new recommendations on the use of these devices for children. Additionally, they note that parents may want to take steps to supervise children who do use the devices and encourage healthy media habits.

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