Mom Shot, Killed by 2-Year-Old Son at Walmart - East Idaho News

Mom Shot, Killed by 2-Year-Old Son at Walmart

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GETTY 123014 Walmart?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1419976395526Daniel Aguilar/Getty Images(HAYDEN, Idaho) — A young mother was shot and killed by her 2-year-old son Tuesday in an Idaho Walmart, police said.

Lt. Stu Miller of the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office said that the boy was sitting in the shopping cart when he pulled the handgun from his mom’s purse and pulled the trigger. The victim, whose name hasn’t been released, was 29 years old.

The preliminary investigation shows the shooting was an accident, Miller said. He added that the victim is from out of town and may have been visiting relatives for the holidays. The boy is currently with family.

She was shopping in the electronics section of the Hayden, Idaho, store, about 40 miles from Spokane, Washington, when the shooting happened Tuesday morning. The store was immediately evacuated and will be closed until Wednesday. The investigation is ongoing.

“A very sad and tragic incident happened in our Hayden store involving a female customer, and we’re working with the local sheriff’s department while they investigate what happened,” Walmart spokesperson Brooke Buchanan said in a statement to ABC News Tuesday.

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