Life Lessons: Karen Fuhriman shares what she’s learned since her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
Published at | Updated atLife is hard, stressful, fast-paced and can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why is partnering with MorningStar Senior Living of Idaho Falls to bring you Life Lessons.
We usually ask MorningStar residents to share gems of wisdom every Tuesday with us. Some of their answers might make you laugh, some may make you cry, some may even change your life.
For the next few weeks, we are interviewing people who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This is leading up to the 2020 Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, Sept. 26. The purpose is to raise awareness and find a cure for the terminal disease.
Karen Fuhriman’s husband, Jared, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s nine years ago. He was 49 years old and serving as the mayor of Idaho Falls. The Fuhrimans were told Jared would live five to seven years, and although his condition has diminished over the years, it is not as bad as it could be.
Karen says living with someone who has Alzheimer’s is like putting a different puzzle together every day. You never know what’s going to happen and she has learned to appreciate every moment.
Watch the video above for our entire interview with Karen and you can learn more about the Walk to End Alzheimer’s here.

Life Lessons is sponsored by MorningStar Senior Living of Idaho Falls, which offers independent and assisted living for seniors within a beautiful setting. MorningStar celebrates and elevates the lives of those who taught the rest of us how to live.