A Feel Good Friday surprise for a 95-year-old woman on a treadmill - East Idaho News
Feel Good Friday

A Feel Good Friday surprise for a 95-year-old woman on a treadmill

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Today we are surprising a 95-year-old woman walking on a treadmill for Feel Good Friday!

We hoped we would be surprised two “mature aged” women after receiving this email a few days ago:

Ruth and Louise are 90 and 95 years old. Around retirement time, they started working out every weekday together. They are so cute, amazing and dedicated! You can find them at the Blackfoot Physical Therapy gym every morning around 9 a.m. doing a full workout. I have observed them helping even newcomers on how to work the equipment if they look puzzled. They are so pleasant and friendly to be around. WOW! So impressive.

I have been receiving physical therapy for about four months and watch them in amazement and thought that they surely would qualify for a ‘shout out’ for staying physically fit for so many years.

We wanted to meet Ruth and Louise so we showed up this week to introduce ourselves. Unfortunately, Louise wasn’t there but we were able to surprise Ruth and it’s a moment we won’t soon forget!

Watch the video above.

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