More prison ordered for woman who facilitated rape of teen in polygamous relationship - East Idaho News

More prison ordered for woman who facilitated rape of teen in polygamous relationship

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WEST JORDAN, Utah ( — A woman in a polygamous relationship who is already in prison for aggravated burglary was sentenced Monday to four terms of five years to life in prison for rape and sexual abuse of a 17-year-old.

Monday’s sentencing is the most recent event in the bizarre saga of Raven Blackwing, 30.

Blackwing, Blackwing’s sister and a 17-year-old were in a polygamous relationship with Kain Blackwing, a man charged in 2014 with forcible sexual abuse.

The teenager had moved into the Blackwing home with Raven Blackwing, Kain Blackwing and Raven Blackwing’s sister, who was not married to Kain Blackwing but lived with them as a second wife, according to testimony at a trial in May. After moving in, the 17-year-old also lived as a third wife.

The victim explained in her testimony to the jury that the women would call Kain Blackwing “my lord” and had rules in the household about what they could wear.

Raven Blackwing was charged in 2018 with forcible sodomy and seven counts of rape, first-degree felonies, and three counts of forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony — the same sex abuse charges for which her polygamist husband was convicted.

RELATED | Jury finds wife in polygamous relationship guilty of rape through coercion

In May, a jury fund Raven Blackwing guilty of four of the seven counts of rape for encouraging and supporting Kain Blackwing in raping the 17-year-old victim who was acting as his third wife. In the verdict, the jury determined the victim did not give consent and she was coerced through Raven Blackwing being in a “position of special trust.” Raven Blackwing was also found guilty of forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony.

The victim testified during Monday’s sentencing hearing and said she believed Raven Blackwing was also a victim at one time.

“I know that she was groomed and manipulated like I was. I wished and prayed for her to realize that and get the help she desperately needs. However, her continued decisions to support a predator have turned her into one also,” the victim said.

She explained how Raven Blackwing had become a friend to her, building trust and convincing her to move in with them, which the victim called the worst decision of her life. She said Raven Blackwing repeatedly chose to support her husband and helped him prey on women and she believes Raven Blackwing needs to be held accountable, as well.

“I will fight for as long as I need to keep her in prison, as I know she is still not only a threat to me, but to other young girls if given the chance,” the victim said.

Raven Blackwing was sentenced to four terms of five years to life in prison for each of the four counts of rape, and one to 15 years for forcible sexual abuse.

Third District Judge Kristine Johnson said because the rape and sexual abuse acts “all arose out of the very coercive and abusive household which (Raven Blackwing) fostered,” the sentences will be served concurrently to each other, but consecutive to the convictions Raven Blackwing is currently serving for burglary.

Prior to Kain Blackwing being charged in 2014, Raven Blackwing and the 17-year-old victim broke into a West Jordan house where a 14-year-old girl was staying, just four days before that girl was scheduled to testify against Kain Blackwing for sexual abuse. The women were described as dressing like ninjas, in all black clothing, black masks, black latex gloves and armed with a stun gun, a knife, a large piece of Saran wrap, matches, a screwdriver, syringes, an arm tourniquet and formalin.

The plan, allegedly created by Kain Blackwing, was to have the two women suffocate the 14-year-old girl with the plastic wrap and then make it look like the other two adults in the house died of a heroin overdose, according to charging documents.

Raven Blackwing and the teenager were charged with aggravated burglary, a first-degree felony, plus retaliation against a witness or victim and aggravated assault, third-degree felonies.The teen was sentenced to probation, which she successfully completed. Raven Blackwing was ordered to serve up to 15 years in the Utah State Prison.

Kain Blackwing was charged in that case with three counts of solicitation for aggravated murder, conspiracy to commit aggravated murder and attempted aggravated murder, all first-degree felonies. His case is still pending in court.

In 2017, Raven Blackwing was also charged with lying under oath for giving false or inconsistent information about her marital status and lying about having sex with an adult when she was a juvenile.

Kain Blackwing was convicted in 2015 of forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony, for abusing the 14-year-old girl and was sentenced to one to 15 years in prison. In the case involving the 17-year-old, he was sentenced to serve seven concurrent terms of five years to life for rape, a concurrent term of one to 15 years for forcible sexual abuse and a consecutive term of five years to life for forcible sodomy.