McLosing weight? Man loses 58 pounds by eating McDonald’s - East Idaho News

McLosing weight? Man loses 58 pounds by eating McDonald’s

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NASHVILLE, Tennessee (WSMV) — For a Nashville man, a new jingle for a popular fast food giant is being sung, “Ba Da Ba Ba Bah, I’m Losin’ Weight!”

That man, Kevin Maginnis, set out on an interesting plan to lose weight. Maginnis wanted to lose 50 pounds in 100 days while eating McDonald’s for every single meal, three meals a day.

Wednesday, May 31 was day 99 of his challenge and he spoke with WSMV4 about his “simple” plan. Everything he orders he only eats half of it to help manage his caloric intake.

Maginnis said the half portions also helped keep everything fresh.

“Never got burned out on it. People ask, ‘What’s the first meal going to be on day 101?’ And the answer is, I’ll probably have a Big Mac for lunch, but I will have a filet mignon for dinner,” Maginnis said.

He said his wife joined him on the challenge about halfway in and she’s reportedly down almost 20 pounds.