A Secret Santa has a surprise for a mother of 7 whose husband unexpectedly died in his sleep last month - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

A Secret Santa has a surprise for a mother of 7 whose husband unexpectedly died in his sleep last month

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The EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

Courtney and her husband Kelly have seven incredible boys. Last month, Kelly passed away in his sleep from a heart attack. They are all heartbroken, to say the least.


Kelly was only 47 and was in great shape so it came as a huge shock to everyone. Kelly was a very selfless, kind, patient and service-oriented man. He was always helping out where he could and was involved in the community.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves if we could stop by and give Courtney an early Christmas gift. Watch the video in the player above to see the surprise.

watch Secret Santa videos