Young father battling cancer gets a Secret Santa surprise while recovering at home - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Young father battling cancer gets a Secret Santa surprise while recovering at home

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

In June, Easton, his wife Kaelie, and their two young daughters, received life altering news that Easton had cancer. He works as a lineman for Idaho Power, and in January, he transferred from the Boise area to Pocatello. They started fresh in a new neighborhood with a new job.

Easton hadn’t been feeling well for the past few years and, among other symptoms, he had been experiencing chronic itchy skin. He had gone to many clinics over the years in search of answers before finally learning it was stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

A rigorous 6-month plan for chemotherapy was initiated and his fight began. Amidst the stress of this diagnosis and treatment plan, Easton and Kaelie were preparing for the birth of their third child, who was born in September. The house they were renting was sold so they were forced to find a new home and move in the middle of his chemotherapy and weeks before their new baby was due.

Easton is kind, generous, lighthearted and funny. He is the first to offer help to those in need, the first to show kindness or comfort, and the first to serve. Simply put, Easton is full of goodness.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to pay Easton a visit and surprise him with an early Christmas gift. Check out the video in the player above!

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