Meet the Bonneville County Commissioner candidates to discuss outdoor recreation today
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The following includes a news release from the candidates running for Bonneville County Commissioner in District #1.
SWAN VALLEY — Two candidates running for Bonneville County Commissioner District #1 are holding three listening posts today to discuss the county’s outdoor recreational needs. Democrat Jan Brown and Republican Karl Casperson have co-hosted three community forums throughout this year’s campaign season focused on water issues, county growth and outdoor recreation.
Earlier today, the candidates met at Riverside Park Day Use Area at the Palisades Dam to discuss the Calamity Road closure and the county’s reconstruction plans. They listened to citizen concerns about about public land and recreation issues in Swan Valley.
Listening Post #2 – Conant Valley Boat Access on the South Fork
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Join Casperson and Brown at this beautiful South Fork river setting as fall colors are just reaching their peak. Learn about Rainey Creek aquatic habitat improvements and the South Fork Initiative. The Bureau of Land Management is waiving the day use fee for Listening Post attendees.
Listening Post #3 – Juniper Day Use Area at Ririe Reservoir
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
What are the most urgent recreation needs for a growing Bonneville County? Watch for osprey and bald eagles from the Viewpoint Shelter that overlooks Ririe Dam and is adjacent to Juniper Campground. Bonneville County Parks and Recreation is waiving day use fees for those attending.
Turn south off US Hwy 26 about one mile east of Ririe; go three miles to site.