Pentagon Report: North Korea Missile Development Still Likely - East Idaho News

Pentagon Report: North Korea Missile Development Still Likely

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Getty 071012 Kim%20JongUn?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1367551131054Ed Jones/AFP/GettyImages(WASHINGTON) — The U.S. military believes North Korea still intends to develop the capability to strike the United States with a nuclear weapon.
While most analysts believe North Korea is not yet able to strike the U.S. with a nuclear missile, an unclassified Pentagon report determines North Korea “will move closer” to that goal.  

According to the report, North Korea’s “advances in ballistic missile delivery systems, coupled with developments in nuclear technology,” match up with the country’s “stated objective of being able to strike the U.S. homeland.”

The report, commissioned by Congress, does not speculate about how soon a potential strike might happen. Pentagon analysts, however, believe the more Kim Jong-un directs his country’s scarce resources to nuclear and ballistic development, the sooner that dangerous capability will be achieved.
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