"Celebrate Seniors" Talents, Food, Raffle - East Idaho News

“Celebrate Seniors” Talents, Food, Raffle

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Date(s) - 12/07/2019
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Idaho Falls Senior Center
535 W 21st Street
Idaho Falls Idaho

Senior Solutions is very excited to put on “Celebrate Seniors” on December 7th, 2019.
“Celebrate Seniors” will showcase our seniors’ talents, side businesses, and causes they are passionate about. There will be performance talents, display talents, and get involved organizations.
Over 15 Seniors will participate in some of the following themes.
Fiddlers, singers, art, woodworking, businesses, presenters, and organizations that help seniors get involved.
In addition there will be information booths, food and a raffle in excess of ($400.00) worth of items. Everyone who attends the event will be entered to win; additional tickets may be obtained by donating to the “Meals on Wheels” program.
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