Joe Biden to Host Post-Debate Spin Session Online - East Idaho News

Joe Biden to Host Post-Debate Spin Session Online

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GETTY P 102610 VicePresidentJoeBiden?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1348872873024Joe Raedle/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — Vice President Joe Biden will be the Obama campaign’s leading spin master after Wednesday night’s first presidential debate, hosting a nationwide “live-stream discussion” online immediately following the action in Denver, ABC News has learned.

Biden will address and interact with viewers at the more-than-3,200 debate watch parties organized by Obama volunteers in all 50 states, a campaign official said. The announcement was to be made widely to supporters in an evening email from deputy Obama campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon.

The Obama campaign has regularly used milestones in the campaign — the 100-day mark, Obama’s convention speech, etc. — as organizing opportunities, drawing together supporters to enlist new volunteers, register voters and place phone calls.

Both Biden and President Obama have each previously participated in digital video chats with their national grassroots network, using a custom teleconferencing platform developed by the campaign and Adobe Systems called Adobe Connect. This will be Biden’s second opportunity.

In addition to Biden, the campaign is emphasizing the competitive nature of the debates to drive turnout to the parties and support the president.

“I gotta be honest: I love the presidential debates,” Dillon said in the email appeal. “Part of it’s the competitive person in me — I know Mitt Romney’s been practicing for this moment for months, so I can’t wait to cheer our guy on.”

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