Bono: 'Not Clear That I Will Ever Play Guitar Again' - East Idaho News
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Bono: ‘Not Clear That I Will Ever Play Guitar Again’

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ABC 010215 Bono?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1420193977404ABC/Adam Taylor(NEW YORK) — U2’s Bono said in a post to the band’s website on Thursday that “it is not clear that [he] will ever play guitar again” following a November bicycle accident.

Bono suffered fractures in his hand, shoulder, elbow and face in the accident, and as a result now has a titanium elbow, he revealed in the post. The 54-year-old singer was apparently attempting to “avoid another rider,” when the spill occurred, the hospital said at the time.

“On the day of my 50th birthday I received an injury because I was over indulging in exercise boxing and cycling, which was itself an overcompensation for overindulging on alcohol coming up to the big birthday,” Bono wrote. “I promised myself I would be more mindful of my limits, but just four years on it happened again — a massive injury I can’t blame on anyone but myself, mainly because I blacked out on impact and have no memory of how I ended up in New York Presbyterian with my humerus bone sticking through my leather jacket.”

“Very punk rock as injuries go,” the rocker added.

“The consequences of this freak accident are significant enough that I will have to concentrate very hard to be ready for the U2 tour in fitness terms,” Bono continued. He noted that he has cancelled all public appearances and that the post would be his only communication for the first half of 2015, “beyond muttering and singing to myself of course.”

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