White House Announces Creations of New Center to Combat Cyber Threats - East Idaho News

White House Announces Creations of New Center to Combat Cyber Threats

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getty 021115 cybersecurity?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1423675553294iStock/Thinkstock(WASHINGTON) — The government is getting more help to combat cyber attacks.

On Tuesday, during a speech on cybersecurity at the Wilson Center, Lisa Monaco, an assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, announced the creation of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC).

The center is modeled after the National Counterterrorism Center (NCC), and like that entity, the new cyber center will act as a liaison between both government agencies and private companies to aid in information sharing.

The center will not gather its own intelligence, but Monaco stressed the need for communication between the public and private sectors.

“Partnership is a pre-condition of success,” Monaco said. “There is simply no other way to tackle such a complicated problem.”

By compiling data from cyber-attacks on private companies, the center hopes to more easily identify a given hacker or group of hackers when an attack strikes, allowing them to better combat a given attack.

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