Why this young boy, whose brother nearly died in an explosion, is buying groceries for strangers
Published atEastIdahoNews.com and Ashley Furniture HomeStore are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!
We want to surprise people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you with some feel good moments!
This week we decided to spend some time with Dawson Bigelow after his mother, Angie, sent us this message:
This Summer, our family was hit with a horrible life changing accident. On July 24, my oldest son went out to our shop to help my husband fix our riding lawnmower. Something went wrong with the lawnmower, which resulted with my oldest son getting 3rd degree burns over half his body. He was immediately life flighted to the ICU Burn Unit in Utah, and remained there for two months. He was not supposed to make it, but with lots of prayers and faith he has overcome this tragedy and is progressing well.
My 10-year-old son, Dawson, has taken the huge burden of thinking the accident was his fault because that morning, my oldest asked Dawson to go float boats and Dawson said no, which resulted in my oldest going to the shop instead. Dawson is now walking around with regret and anger, that he doesn’t need to be carrying, because that horrible accident was not his fault. My oldest, who was burned, has received a lot of attention, understandably so, which has resulted in Dawson feeling completely unimportant and ignored. I have tried to help my Dawson understand that this wasn’t his fault and that he is loved, but he can’t shake this trauma of this accident. I am asking you guys to…let Dawson serve and feel the love that comes from serving, and also to help him feel important.
How can you turn down a request like that?
We immediately called Angie and surprised Dawson at his house. We then went to Broulim’s in Rigby where Dawson was able to have an unforgettable afternoon.
Check out the video above to see how it all went down! And if you have an idea for Feel Good Friday, email Nate Eaton: nate.eaton@eastidahonews.com.

Feel Good Friday is sponsored by Ashley and Ashley Outlet in Idaho Falls, where we are committed to being your trusted partner and style leader for the home. Ashley also seeks to inspire the love of home and enrich others' lives.