Fresh from Election Night victory, Chad Christensen working on gun bill - East Idaho News

Fresh from Election Night victory, Chad Christensen working on gun bill

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IDAHO FALLS — Chad Christensen, who soundly defeated the 30-year incumbent in Tuesday’s midterm election, is ready to get to work.

Christensen will take over Rep. Tom Loertscher’s seat, District 32B, in the Idaho House of Representatives in January. Despite an aggressive ad campaign and an endorsement from Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter, Loertscher lost his write-in bid with 16 percent of the vote.

“I’m just excited to get in there,” Christensen told “My biggest thing is to stand up for my constituents and stand up for the Constitution and liberty.”

Christensen has already begun working on getting bills ready for the 2019 legislative session, including a new gun bill.

“It involves teachers who want to be armed can be armed, and those who have concealed weapons permits can go into schools,” he said.

Gun rights were a key part of Christensen’s platform against Loertscher when he first beat him during the Republican primary election in May. During that race, Christensen beat Loertscher with 51 to 49 percent of the vote.

“It’s exciting. It’s kind of surreal still that I defeated a 30-year incumbent twice,” he said.