Melaleuca keeping employees' fridges stocked during COVID-19 - East Idaho News
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Melaleuca keeping employees’ fridges stocked during COVID-19

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IDAHO FALLS — When Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot walked the aisles of a local grocery store a few weeks ago, he was alarmed to see so many empty shelves. Since COVID-19 began spreading across the country, retailers have been trying to keep up with essentials like meat, bread, milk and more.

VanderSloot thought about his employees and consulted with Tyler Nielson, the executive chef for Leaf & Drop, Melaleuca’s on-site restaurant. The CEO asked Nielson to make a large bulk order from the company’s food supplier as quickly as possible.

“I went shopping at the store this morning, and the store was all out of eggs, milk, bread and almost out of bacon,” VanderSloot wrote in the email to employees. “So we have secured a supply of those items for our employees. … If any employee wants eggs, bread, bacon or milk, we believe we can get it for you.”

Roughly 400 workers responded to the invitation. A few days later, the truck arrived, and employees picked up their items.

food table Melaleuca 1 scaled
Photo courtesy Melaleuca

The food deliveries didn’t stop there. Earlier this week Melaleuca obtained a large amount of produce and, once again, VanderSloot offered it up.

“We have secured a supply of produce,” VanderSloot wrote in an email. “We would like to make sure that it is put to good use and will make that available to employees for free. Thank you for all you do to keep yourselves and your families healthy!”

Within days, VanderSloot followed up with an additional announcement that the third delivery of groceries was on its way for employees. They could pick up what they needed without charge.

Workers have been wearing masks and following social distancing rules while distributing the food. Employees working from home have come to fill up their grocery bags and boxes.

“Not only has this made my life a little easier, but it shows Melaleuca has a CEO who cares enough about his team to make these kinds of things happen,” said employee Ben Watson.