Grocery store employee arrested after video camera discovered in store bathroom - East Idaho News

Grocery store employee arrested after video camera discovered in store bathroom

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DRIGGS — Teton County resident Roberto Bravo-Camacho, 34, has been charged after allegedly videotaping people in a Broulim’s restroom and then attempting to destroy the evidence.

Bravo-Camacho, a 16-year employee of the Broulim’s grocery store in Driggs, is charged with two felonies that include one charge of video voyeurism and another charge of attempted destruction or concealment of evidence. He posted a $10,000 bond and a preliminary hearing in Teton County Magistrate Court is scheduled for April 13.

The alleged crime was discovered on March 12, when the Teton County Sheriff’s Office was called by the manager of the store after another employee discovered a camera in a vent in a men’s bathroom. There are two men’s bathrooms in the store and court documents did not indicate which bathroom the camera was in.

According to the sheriff’s office report, before the officer arrived at the Broulim’s, Bravo-Camacho went into the manager’s office and took the camera out of a box and placed it in his pocket and left the store, according to security camera footage.

After more than an hour, Sgt. Kendell Bowser located Bravo-Camacho sitting in his car in the parking lot at the store. The report said Bravo-Camacho admitted to taking the camera from the manager’s office and said he had thrown it in a trash incinerator. However, the store security cameras did not show Bravo-Camacho going to the trash incinerator, but rather to his car.

Sgt. Bowser read Bravo-Camacho his rights after he refused to allow the officer to search his car and review his phone. A search warrant was issued that day and a Micro SD Card containing files and videos of males using the public restrooms was located in Bravo-Camacho’s bedroom in his house in Driggs.

According to the report, the video is, “believed to be at Broulim’s grocery store based on seeing Broulim’s hats and aprons in the video.”

Bravo-Camacho was assigned defense attorney Rocky Lawrence Wixom. At Bravo-Camacho’s arraignment, Teton County Prosecutor Bailey Smith asked for bail to be set at $20,000.

The defense argued that this was Bravo-Camacho’s first criminal charge and that he has lived in the county for 21 years and would not leave the state. Magistrate Judge Jason Walker granted Bravo-Camacho a $10,000 bail.

“We have been working with the Teton County Sheriff’s Office and they have asked us to make no public comments on the details of the investigation,” said Devon Marrott, the head of Human Resources with Broulim’s corporate office. “We have a statement prepared when the sheriff’s office is ready to release a press release.”

Sgt. Bowser declined to comment as the investigation remains open.