Single mom of 6 fighting cancer gets big surprise from a Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Single mom of 6 fighting cancer gets big surprise from a Secret Santa

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season. Every day, from now until the end of the year, we will post videos of the recipients being surprised with these life-changing gifts.

Andrea has been battling stage 4 colon cancer since 2018. During that time she also became a single mom.

Raising six kids and going through round after round of chemo and radiation has been the biggest challenge of Andrea’s life.

In an effort to raise money each year for school clothes, school activities and Christmas, Andrea spends the month of August harvesting fruit and making hundreds of rolls of fruit leather that she and her kids then sell. Because of Andrea’s chemo and the toll it takes on her body, she’s unable to hold down a regular job.

Earlier this month, her car died and it’s now in the shop getting fixed again.

In spite of all these challenges, Andrea is a fighter and an optimist. She is always looking for the hand of God in her life and the opportunity to grow from hardships. She tries to help out at the kids’ schools as much as she can. She is there for her friends even when she isn’t feeling the best and most times she doesn’t even let on how bad she is feeling.

Secret Santa asked the East Idaho News elves to surprise Andrea with a Christmas gift. Check out the video in the player above.

If you are interested in purchasing some fruit leather from Andrea, you can email her:

watch Secret Santa videos