Kay Lott reflects on life in Idaho Falls 50 years after moving here - East Idaho News

Kay Lott reflects on life in Idaho Falls 50 years after moving here

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Life is hard, stressful, fast-paced and can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why EastIdahoNews.com is partnering with MorningStar Senior Living of Idaho Falls to bring you Life Lessons.

We’re asking MorningStar residents to share gems of wisdom every Tuesday with us. Some of their answers will make you laugh, some may make you cry, some may even change your life.

Kay Lott was born and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado. She and her husband moved to Idaho 50 years ago when he took a job at INEL.

She will never forget the day they arrived in Idaho Falls. Idaho Falls High School was playing Skyline High School and Kay says she had never seen so many young kids driving cars in her life!

Kay shared more with us during our interview. Watch it in the video player above.