Young mother with baby born at 27 weeks breaks down opening gifts from a Secret Santa - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Young mother with baby born at 27 weeks breaks down opening gifts from a Secret Santa

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The team is busy helping a local Secret Santa give $1 million to deserving people in eastern Idaho this holiday season.

Nicolas and Ihanta are from Madagascar. He came to Idaho to go to school and earned just enough money for his wife and two kids to join him. His family lives in a small basement apartment.

The family was blessed with a baby but Lucas was born at 27 weeks at EIRMC. They didn’t have a car so the neighborhood rallied together for close to three months driving them to and from Rexburg and Idaho Falls so they could be with their baby boy every day.

Nicolas and Ihanta are kind, genuine people who are always trying to help the neighborhood in any way they can. After having a baby in the NICU for so long, they have been left with a lot of bills and are doing everything they can to make ends meet.

Secret Santa asked us to visit this young couple and surprise them with some early Christmas gifts. Watch the video in the player above!

watch Secret Santa videos