Twitter Has Growing Influence on Movie-Going Habits - East Idaho News

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Twitter Has Growing Influence on Movie-Going Habits

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GETTY 072514 Twitter?  SQUARESPACE CACHEVERSION=1406301415948iStock Editorial/ Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Twitter is putting more butts in movie seats.

Although attendance at the movies is not as robust as in recent summers, a new Nielsen survey suggests that if Hollywood wants to boost sales, it should latch on to the growing social media site.

According to the survey, some 87 percent of Twitter users claim that their decision to go to a current movie was influenced by reading others’ tweets.

Meanwhile, 88 percent of Twitter users say that tweets about movies have an impact on other activities, including watching a movie trailer, sending their own tweets or retweeting about a movie, and searching for showtimes and tickets.

About two-thirds added that they will follow a film-related Twitter account that lists specific titles, theaters and actors.

Nielsen says that movies studios should use these findings to mold their marketing practices toward what Twitter users want, such as delivering information one month or even several months ahead of a film’s opening.

What Twitter users want for studios, in order, are more trailers, tweets from the cast and behind-the-scenes videos and photos.

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