3D printing allows blind mother-to-be to "see" baby's ultrasound - East Idaho News

3D printing allows blind mother-to-be to “see” baby’s ultrasound

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BRAZIL — For most expectant mothers, ultrasounds can be a source of unspeakable joy and emotion — a first peek at the child growing inside them. But what about the mothers who can’t see?

Tatiana Guerra is one of those mothers. She lost her sight at age 17, according to CNET. At 20 weeks pregnant, Guerra could feel her son Murilo moving inside her, but couldn’t hope to know what he might look like until birth.

That’s where Huggies Brazil came in. The diaper company commissioned digital design firm The Goodfellas to create a 3D print of Murilo’s ultrasound image, according to 3DPrint.com. Guerra’s doctor surprised her with the print, which also included the words “I am your son” in braille.

Lucky for us, Huggies also worked with Mood ad agency to film Guerra’s reaction — which is almost too beautiful for words.

The film, called “Huggies Presents: Meeting Murilo,” begins with Guerra talking about her baby and how excited she is to meet him.

“Mommy can’t wait to feel your little body, your little face, your little hands,” Guerra said.

The cameras follow Guerra as she goes to her 20-week checkup. She asks her doctor what Murilo’s face looks like.

“His nose looks like yours,” the doctor responds.

Meanwhile, the 3D printer is working in another room to capture Murilo’s ultrasound and bring it to life.

“If you could touch him would that let you know what he’s like?” the doctor asks.

He then hands her the covered 3D print of Murilo, and watching her unwrap it and meet her son for the first time is nothing short of magic.

The ad is part of Huggies Brazil’s “CountingTheDays” campaign, with the tagline, “Every mom deserves to embrace each moment.”
