Secret Santa surprises young father whose daughter died and son is fighting for his life - East Idaho News
Secret Santa

Secret Santa surprises young father whose daughter died and son is fighting for his life

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A Secret Santa has asked to help him give away $200,000 to deserving people and families living in east Idaho. From now until Christmas, Santa’s “elves” will be delivering surprises to many in our community. Some of the deliveries will be recorded – many will not. If you’d like to nominate someone for a Secret Santa surprise, click here.

A month ago, Matt and Cassy Breyman’s twins arrived early. Their little girl passed away 15 minutes after birth, but their son, Timothy, survived and has been fighting for his life ever since.

“Tiny Tim” was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital, where he continues to have ups and downs. He is facing surgeries, and a long struggle to thrive since being born 16 weeks premature.

baby girl
Courtesy Breyman family

His parents have faced a roller coaster of emotions while Cassy is in Utah working with doctors and nurses to help with Tim. Matt remains in Idaho Falls working and caring for their 3-year-old, Calvin.

Matt and Cassy face astronomical medical bills in addition to the funeral costs for their baby girl who was laid to rest nearly a month ago.

Courtesy Breyman family

“These amazing people continue to stay positive and hopeful in the face of separation, fear, exhaustion and a mountain of debt,” a friend says. “I can’t think of anyone more deserving of help for their Tiny Tim than the Breymans.”

Secret Santa sent his elves over to Doug Andrus Distribution to surprise Matt with a special Christmas gift.


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