A Feel Good Friday surprise for a man who waves to everyone, goes to every sporting event & makes his community better
Published atEastIdahoNews.com and Ashley Furniture HomeStore are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!
We want to thank people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you feeling good.
If you live in Firth, chances are you’ve met Bob Ellsworth. He lives in the small town of Basalt and we recently received an email about him:
He has always attended every home sporting event and loves the youth of the community. He is a sports advocate. For years he has been the one who calls the news stations letting them know of the scores of the Firth Cougar games.
But that’s not what makes him stand out. He has a disability and has never had a driver’s license. He walks to church, to Firth for groceries, to the post office and to the high school for games. He also sits on the rail just down from his house for hours waving, giving thumbs up or the peace sign to everyone who drives across the tracks. He never misses a car. My kids always gets excited when they see Bob sitting on that rail or walking on the road because they know he will stop what he’s doing and wave.
He’s a great guy and is loved by the community of Firth. He lives alone and lost his dad a few years back. He doesn’t get many visitors…He’s done so much for everyone that I would like to thank him in a greater way.
We decided to thank Bob for all he has done to make eastern Idaho better. Watch the video above to see our surprise!
If you have ideas for Feel Good Friday, email NEaton@EastIdahoNews.com.
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Feel Good Friday is sponsored by Ashley and Ashley Outlet in Idaho Falls, where we are committed to being your trusted partner and style leader for the home. Ashley also seeks to inspire the love of home and enrich others' lives.